Hiking on the Hartibaciu Hills

In July, I had an experience I had been wanting to live for a long time. I participated in a hike in an organized group, alongside a professional guide. Every year, I made it a New Year’s resolution to go on more nature walks or to climb a mountain, but I never found the perfect opportunity or the right people to fulfill this desire. Well, thanks to the Anii Drumetiei team, I managed to check off at least one proper nature outing, and I have a feeling that this journey of discovery will continue because I felt so great… it was an unforgettable day!

The Anii Drumetiei program was launched by the Sibiu County Council in collaboration with the Sibiu County Tourism Association in 2021, a project born out of the desire to adapt the county’s tourism promotion strategy globally. The hikes are extremely varied and perfectly planned, which is thanks to the fact that participants can choose a relaxed journey alongside children, while more experienced hikers can explore mountain ridges. How can you join a hike? Reservations and payments are made directly on the Anii Drumetiei website. The calendar is displayed in advance for the upcoming month. Each hike comes with a brief description, including the level of difficulty, duration, and the equipment participants should bring.

I admit, I would definitely not have gone on my own to discover the beauty of this place, even though I had passed through the village of Ilimbav numerous times. The hills surrounding this picturesque region seemed insurmountable. Guided by Catri Nacu, the guide, I explored the magic of the place with no worries… I let myself be carried away by the desire to discover the unknown, and I felt. I think this is the conclusion of this experience: FEELING. It is extremely important not to have any worries when setting off, to be carried across hills and valleys, guided by people who know the places better than anyone else. Oh, it was a day to remember, a day I’ve told all my friends about and one that I’m sharing with great joy with you, my readers.

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I had an entire calendar at my disposal to choose the hike I was going to embark on, a well-prepared program by the specialists of the project, and I settled on this one— the hills of Ilimbav, a village in Sibiu County, located on the Valea Hartibaciului, perfectly placed in the heart of nature. It is an area where you truly recharge, revive, and flourish. A land embraced by a peace that I can never erase from my mind, a place blessed with breathtaking landscapes, friendly people, and authentic food.

Whenever I find myself in the midst of nature, I am reminded of my childhood years. The “Years of Hiking” revived for me those years, the time when worries didn’t exist, and the joy of discovering the beauty, the boundless nature, was something deeply etched in my mind. Ever since I was a little girl, I loved to savor the fairytale places, and nature walks were a routine. I would walk with my grandmother along the native shores in the Rasnov area, and it seemed nothing could be more beautiful than what I was experiencing there. Picking tea flowers, forest fruits, and mushrooms were some of the activities I did with her, the grandmother whom my family members constantly tell me I resemble in this regard. We were both nature lovers. She is no longer with us, but I still carry that wish within me, and I thank her for instilling in me the love for beauty.

The journey across the perfectly shaped hills, designed by Divinity, reminded me of days long gone, of a time when there was nothing more special about summer vacations than these outings, surrounded by the perfect scents of plants caressed by the sunlight.

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I left in the morning towards Ilimbav, a village located on the Valea Hartibaciului, 37 km from Sibiu (50 minutes), and the meeting point was at Ferma Bio in Ilimbav, where I discovered the story of Eugen, the farm owner. A bonus was the moments when we petted the ponies and played with the dogs from the yard. Eugen and his family cultivate the land like they used to, using only fertilizer from their own cattle farm, and the animals eat hay, corn, and cereals grown on their own fields.

With everyone gathered, we set off with our guide, Catri Nacu, and Eugen through the village, heading towards THE BLESSED HILLS OF ILIMBAV. They thought of everyone taking part in the hike, so the little ones hopped into the horse-drawn carriage, while Margot, the little friend of Puica (the horse I had the chance to ride for the first time in my life!), guided us on her beautiful creature with gentle eyes. We crossed the village towards the church in an unprecedented calm, and from there, we turned to the right and left the residential area. We entered the uninhabited zone and, slowly, we started to get accustomed to our travel companions and the trail.

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We wandered along the paths created by the carts at the top of the hills and made a brief stop to admire the lands cultivated by Eugen. The almost ripe wheat stretched under the scorching rays of the sun, while the wind gently swayed it from side to side, creating a breathtaking scene.

Everyone stopped and took photos of the golden wheat sea, undulating like the waves of the sea under the breeze. Roles in the carriage were changed, with the little ones venturing on foot, making room for those more tired to rest in the carriage.

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The flowers, scents, enchanting landscapes, and the fresh air guided us to the sheepfold where we stopped for a hearty lunch. Nothing compares to a meal served in the midst of nature, especially when the dishes are among the finest, ensuring success. Eugen brought food from his farm: lard, salami, and mangalitsa sausage from his own yard, vegetables from the garden, and the cheese on the festive table was brought from the sheepfold, just a few meters away from where we stopped.

The whole group of travelers ate eagerly, enjoying the delights spread on the blanket, and the natural setting where the meal was served was truly magical. To the right, several horses approached curiously to the uninvited guests, to the left, a flock of sheep rested in the shade of a tree, while in the distance, the village of Marpod and the endless plains could be seen. It was a feast to remember!

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We let the horses rest for a bit and went on foot to visit the nearby sheepfold. There, we were greeted by a very friendly lady who showed us how cheese is made and shared stories about life at the sheepfold. The main attraction was the puppy, which everyone couldn’t resist petting.

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After about half an hour, we set off again on our journey. We traveled through places where no human had set foot, admired the surroundings, and enjoyed the company of those around us. The guide told us about Eugen and his dedication and involvement in the Bio Farm, about the village of Ilimbav, which is slowly becoming a landmark in county tourism.

Along the way, we made a few more stops to give those interested a chance to ride Puica, Eugen’s gentle mare who accompanied us. I gathered my courage and rode for the first time in my life, and it was a memorable experience.

Little Margot, our guide’s daughter, is a good friend of Puica, a horse she’s been riding for a long time and highly recommended for being extremely friendly. And it truly was. Thank you, Margot and Puica, for this unique day!

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The hike on the Ilimbav Hills has a low level of difficulty, making it a perfect choice for families with children, older individuals, or those with little experience. Even though we covered about 14 km and spent 6 hours walking, it was truly a relaxing experience. I couldn’t tell how time passed, nor could I say that it required considerable effort to complete the whole route. A big plus was that the group was accompanied by a carriage and Puica, so those who wanted to rest had these options available.

Our group consisted of people of all ages, both families and solo travelers. These excursions have the great advantage of offering solo travelers an organized environment where they can safely explore nature and meet new people, providing opportunities for socializing.

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In the end, I can only express my gratitude to those behind Anii Drumetiei for this initiative, a project meant to promote the beauty of Sibiu County and which offers people who wish to hike in nature the chance to no longer ask themselves the question, “I wonder who wants to go hiking with me?” — a question that most of us have asked at some point. Thank you to our guide, Catri Nacu, for the patience and passion with which you led us on these lands!


