A Life Lesson. Thoughts in Times of Pandemic.

Covid-19, the acute respiratory syndrome caused by the novel coronavirus, originating from Wuhan, China, likely transmitted from bats to pangolins, and then to humans, is now spread across the globe. The year 2020, which initially seemed to be at least normal, has turned into a nightmare for people worldwide. April 2020, the month when Romania, along with other countries around the world, is in lockdown, with the suspension of certain types of businesses and restrictions on people’s movement to keep the spread of the virus under control.

April 22, 2020, the day when a total of 2,621,748 cases of illness and 183,030 deaths are recorded globally.

What times we live in…sad times when nature is more alive than us, a period when the sun shines brighter than ever, yet we cannot see it. Oh, who would have thought that a time would come when we could no longer roam freely on mountain paths, when we could no longer explore the city in peace, when the streets would be deserted, and the birds would only be heard from the balcony? The trees have blossomed without us being able to smell their fragrance, the grass has turned green, and we have not had the honor of enjoying the explosion of color, spring has arrived, and we could not partake in this uplifting moment. Who would have thought that movement would be allowed only through a declaration on our own responsibility? No one.

It is a sad period, but in this avalanche of feelings of anger and frustration, the LIFE LESSON makes its way. And yes, this is one of the most important life lessons we have received so far. A song takes me back to the holidays I have experienced so far. I have learned to appreciate music more. A phone conversation with loved ones makes me happy and sad at the same time. I have learned that people are meant to live together, to meet, to share their joys. Working from home has been complicated. I have learned to appreciate the fact that I have a job and that every day I have to go to work is a blessing, because I have it, because I live it. Material goods give you psychological comfort, but memories are what keep you alive. I have learned that I need to change my priorities. Flipping through the folders with photos from vacations, I was overcome by melancholy. I have learned that I need to continue living my life as I like, in the same style, but with fewer compromises. Often, when I lie in bed, I think for minutes on end about what is happening to us today and realize that everyone’s lives are turned upside down. Thoughts, feelings, regrets, all these find their way into my mind, whenever I have a few moments of respite and realize how quickly everything has changed. We have lost the comfortable life we had, we have lost the walks I adored, but most of all, we have lost the freedom we did not appreciate at its true value. Slowly, fear has set in. From this whole situation, I have learned that in fact, everything we think we deserve, everything we consider natural, can disappear in an instant. So, from here must come, first and foremost, the utmost appreciation for what we have, for the small joys of life, for the moments lived in complete freedom.

It is a charged period because inevitably my thoughts fly to the dramas happening around the world. People are suffering, whether they lose loved ones, jobs, or businesses, and this reality cannot but affect me. My beloved Italy, the country I have explored far and wide, the vacation destination where I felt the best so far, is severely hit by this virus, where to date, 178,000 people have tested positive for Covid-19, and the number of deaths exceeds 23,000. How ironic life can be! Last year at this time, I was making travel plans, following that in the summer of the same year, I would have one of the most beautiful travel surprises so far, TUSCANY. What idyllic places and what immortal memories! This year, global tourism is most likely compromised. I have also canceled everything that was planned, all the dreams and thoughts related to travels are well preserved for the moment when we will be free again. In the meantime, I hope to enjoy at least the freedom to travel through Romania, and I think it is an opportune moment for everyone to rediscover our country. I can’t wait! I still have a lot of places I want to see, and if international tourism will no longer be an option in the near future, I can only declare with joy that Romania will be the country I will promote as best I can.

On March 16, 2020, the State of Emergency was instituted on the territory of Romania, an unprecedented situation, a moment that will remain etched for a long time in the hearts of all. We have learned to be responsible, to distance ourselves from the people around us, to avoid contact even with our own family, for their good, but also for ours. We have moved away, but we have still found ways to be closer than ever. We are all in this fight, and unfortunately, only time can tell when we will be able to get out of this turmoil we are in.

Isolation during the period when the coronavirus is wreaking havoc around the world has helped me, on one hand, to put my thoughts in order, but also to organize my things. From now on, I will see life with different eyes, more realistic ones. I will try to shed the cloak of superficiality that may have settled over my life over time and try to enjoy pure life.

I have spent moments of total peace at home, I have finally had time to sort out my long-postponed things, and it feels so good. I have learned that, after all, it was beneficial to take a break from all the madness called life I was in. Full-time job, travels, blog articles, managing social media accounts, partnerships, and extra work collaborations, ideas, and thoughts without interruption… I have taken a well-deserved break from a good part of the activities I was used to occupying my time with, and I cannot say it was bad.

This is the full part of the glass in the whole situation we are in now. We have more time for ourselves. It is time to put our lives on the tracks that lead to the destination they should. We can no longer choose just any path that comes our way because now is the time to make choices that will take us to the destination of our lives.

So, my dears, have faith that things will not last very long as they are now, have hope that our lives, everyone’s, will be much changed and not necessarily for the worse after this crisis subsides. At this moment, the most important thing is that we, together with our loved ones, are healthy because in life we cannot travel alone.

Stay safe, be strong!



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