Do you like pastel colors? I adore them! I love to play when I dress … I choose, combine, dress up, change, blend, put an accessory, give up to another and that’s the result!
During the weekend I took advantage of the spring and I embrace her with pastel-colored clothes, a smile and sun in the heart.
I have arrived in the Horses’ Universe, at the Dracula Danes Domain, a place where I spent a few minutes with my favourite hourses, admired the camels and Scottish cows and of course I did not miss the opportunity to taste again the chef’s specialties. An entire article about this superb place here: Minunatul Univers al Cailor. Domeniul Dracula Danes.
Here’s what my outfit was formed:
Long lilac Noisy May pullover
Pink Object blouse
Beige Mango trousers
Zee Lane shoes purchased from Fashion Days
Otter bag
Mohito bag accessory
Sunglasses from Oscar de la Renta