Viscri, the village where the time stands still

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I plan to visit Viscri for years and when I finally got here, my expectations were rewarded with one of the most beautiful surprises lately. The village is magnificent! Now I understand why Prince Charles  loves this place and why he decided to buy properties here. I admit that I would also like to buy a little colored house here, to spend fairy tale weekends in my cozy little crib…but, for the moment, I will only put this plan on my wishlist:)

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We arrived here in the afternoon, and time stood still. Panicked by the idea that I will not have time to enjoy all the beauty around me, I had a single purpose – to visit the Saxon Fortified Church. But the time really stopped because I managed in just a few hours to enjoy the village’s streets , the beautifully renovated houses, the fairy-tale atmosphere in a fairy tale season that fits perfectly the landscape, I talked to the locals , I admired the prince’s house, I wondered how organized the local community is. On my way to the fortified church, I discovered hundreds of wool products…those colors were…wowww. I could not miss the opportunity to spend a few minutes in front of them and talk to the ladies selling socks, beds, boots, vests and wool hats … COLORED.

What about wool stockings story?

The project of natural wool socks was initiated by two Germans established in Viscri in the 1990s. Firstly, the socks were made from old sweaters by the women in the village and were given in exchange for food. Because the project has grown, now, the 125 women in the village knit about 10,000 pairs of socks and other woolen outfits, objects that reach the central warehouse in Naumburg, Germany. They sell products all over the country but also in a cafe in Viscri … also on the streets.

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Viscri, the village with 1,000 inhabitants and picturesque landscapes, located in the heart of Transylvania – Romania, became famous after Prince Charles bought in 1996 a property here and spoke whenever he had the opportunity,about the uniqueness of the place. Today, a house costs almost as much as a house in the city. Here tourists can find accommodation and local restaurants. For unique experiences, you can sleep in Prince Charles’s property who is transformed in guesthouse.

Foto: Prince Charles”s house

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Some houses and the Saxon Fortified Church were renovated by the Mihai Eminescu Trust Foundation, that was under the patronage of Prince Charles between 2000-2013 – ttp://

The Church dates back to the 13th century and is included in UNESCO’s Patrimony. The courtyard is perfectly arranged, with flowers and grass still green. Above, from the bell tower (where climbing is made on your own risk – maybe because it scraps all the woods every step you make), you can admire the beautiful village. Here you can also visit a small museum where traditional clothes and other Saxon objects can be found.

Entrance price The Saxon Fortified Church – 8 lei / person

Opening hours: Season 15.06-15.09 – 10.00 – 13.00, 14.00 – 19.00. In off season 01.04-14.06 and 16.09-15.10 – 10:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 18:00

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How can you get here?

It’s hard … but it’s worth it 🙂

The road is bad on Bunesti-Viscri (8 km). I recommend the following route:

Sibiu – Medias – Sighisoara – Saschiz – Bunesti – Viscri (135 km)

Brasov – Rupea – Bunesti – Viscri (80 Km)

Romania – Transylvania

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Pictures from the village

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Pictures from the Fortified Church

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