1000 happy faces by Rares Helici. #omie Project

Rares, do you realize that by the end of the project you will make happy, 1,000 people?

The 1000 Portraits project began with Rares Helici’s love for people and for photography. The idea to offer a professional portrait was received with interest and warmth by both Sibiu and people from other cities. The 1000 people, participated in a contest on the photographer’s Facebook page, after which the magical faces began to appear. Everything is sensational, every man is beautiful and those eyes … eyes are the key element of each. It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and Rares showed us what beautiful souls we have 🙂

When I got my portrait, I was amazed by my eyes… I was happy!

Here you can find them all: 1000 Portraits

At the end of the project, all black-and-white portraits will make a fresh exhibition, which I can not wait to discover. The photos are made in Sibiu – Small Square, in Sibio, where you can taste some of the best fresh outlets in town.

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