Zurli is Magic

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Zurli is Magic! It is joy and fun for the little ones, it is spectacle for the big ones.

For me it is always a joy to see them. Before every event with them, I get rid of the Zurli fever when I listen and sing the songs whose lyrics I have learned but especially “I want a good night kiss” … which I admit is my favorite!

Gurca Zurli organizes events for children, for 10 years. I heard about them 4-5 years ago, and in 2015 I organized the first event with Zurli, where they were special guests. Since then, they have grown quickly and nicely and the audience they manage to attract has increased in proportion to the years that have passed. The crowd of Zurli lovers who are gathering at their events is impressive.


Who did not hear about Gaşca Zurli, surely heard the song at least once or at least someone humming “I have a small house … Attention … We accelerate!”.

Sunday 28 May, they accelerated to Sibiu and gathered more than 12,000 small and large viewers in the Shopping City of Sibiu.

Children’s Day was celebrated in advance at Shopping City Sibiu along with the loved Zurli characters: Tanti Prezentatoarea, Fetița Zurli, Băiețelul Zurli, Tura Vura, Zâna Bună, Zdrăngănel, Yuppi, Clopoțel and Truli.  

Starting with 10:00, families with children were in the spotlight, with creative workshops, sports competitions and funny games organized for them. The Gong Theater staged the play “The Salt in Food”.

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Alexandra Cristian - IMG 8419

  Evenimentul a fost cofinanțat de Consiliul Local Șelimbăr prin Primăria Șelimbăr.

Organizatori: Grey Projects și Asociația Sibiul de Odinioară

Partener Principal: Shopping City Sibiu

Locație: Shopping City Sibiu

Parteneri de eveniment: Carrefour şi Decathlon

Evenimentele sportive organizate de Serious Fun

Prezentatoare: Fifi și Bulinuța (Alexandra Podu si Teodora Voineagu de la Bridge Theatre Sibiu)

Fotograf: Ovidiu Matiu

Povestea Zurli și evenimentele urmatoare, le găsiți pe site-ul lor: http://zurli.ro/

Mai multe informații despre evenimentele organizate la Shopping City Sibiu, aici: http://shoppingcitysibiu.ro/

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A.C & Fetița Zurli

